lördag 4 juli 2009

Hälsning från Emma!

Till er som skall gå på Emma Parsons seminarium och som anmält intresse för att ha hund med er, här är ett meddelande till er:

"Attached is the questionnaire for the attendees to fill out if they would like their dogs to be considered as demo dogs. I typically choose between 4-5 dogs for the reactive dog class. These dogs need to attend both of the days to qualify. 

Sometimes, if I receive a very interesting behavior issue, I will see if that attendee would like to have a behavior consult in front of the class. I will ask them privately beforehand.

Have the attendees, that are interested, return the completed questionnaire form directly back to me. I will choose the demo students and then I will notify them abut 2 weeks prior to the seminar. I will also notify those that I haven't chosen as well. (I tend to choose the dogs that have the most severe behavior issues.)"

Skicka ett mejl till info@hundens.se, så skickar vi formuläret, som ni fyller i, skickar tillbaka till oss, så skickar vi dem vidare till Emma för att hon skall göra sitt val av lämpliga kandidater.

Ha kul tillsammans med din hund,